
Providing Services for Addiction and Mental Health Disorders

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Mindful Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (MCBT)

Florida Mental Health Disorder Treatment

Our Florida MCBT program helps patients struggling with substance use and other mental health disorders. Mindful cognitive behavioral therapy identifies the connection between patients’ thoughts, feelings, and actions. Typically, individuals with addiction problems are not self-aware to recognize on their own. In our Fort Myers treatment center, our therapists work alongside patients to acknowledge the thought patterns and behaviors that keep them stuck in a never-ending cycle of addiction. At this point, they can start to substitute old thinking and consequential behaviors them with new ones to set the stage for their recovery program.

What Is Mindful Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MCBT) is an effective psychotherapy treatment for individuals with chronic depression and increasing feelings of melancholy. MBCT can be a beneficial treatment for a  range of mental health problems such as anxiety disorders. This advanced form of CBT combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness exercises such as meditation, yoga other therapeutic activities.  It is an important treatment modality at our Southwest Florida recovery campus.

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mindful cognitive behavioral therapy

Fort Myers MCBT Program

Southwest Florida Mental Health Therapy

In our Fort Myers MCBT program, patients are educated about depression and what makes them vulnerable to negative moods and downward spirals. The goal is to help patients develop ways to recognize and accept their thoughts while practicing self-compassion.

Mindfulness (or self-awareness) is the simple act of continually being aware of our thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness exercises, including mindful seeing, body scans, timed breathing exercises and guided meditation, help patients identify thought patterns and shift them, often by bringing their full attention to sounds and sensations while completing an action. It also teaches patients how to focus on the present moment and allows them to accept the thoughts that come without attaching value judgments to them. 

How Will MCBT Help Me?

MCBT is clinically proven to treat patients who suffer from recurrent depressive episodes. There is evidence that it can help treat anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, and general low mood or unhappiness. Research also suggests that MCBT can also help reduce cravings for alcohol and substances holistically.

MCBT provides patients with the tools they need to quit engaging with automatic thought processes that worsen depression. By implementing proper coping skills and becoming aware of distressing thoughts and emotions, patients learn to let go of old feelings and behaviors. 

How Does MCBT Work?

Your thoughts are powerful. They can directly affect your feelings and actions. MBCT teaches patients how to separate themselves from their negative thoughts and emotions during and after a depressive episode by combining cognitive therapy and mindfulness to improve mental health and provides patients with more self-help tools to manage their emotions.

What is the difference between DBT and MCBT?

Dialectical behavior therapy (or DBT) is a comprehensive treatment for borderline personality disorder (BPD). MCBT was developed for prevention of relapse in individuals with a history of depressive episodes.

Mindful Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at Celadon

Mental Health Treatment Center in Fort Myers

As a board-certified AHCA mental health treatment center in Fort Myers, our licensed mental health professionals have MCBT specific training. At the same time, we utilize MCBT at inpatient and outpatient levels of care to ensure continued patient progress.

In addition, their extensive experience and teaching hours help patients feel comfortable.  This is important because successful MCBT relies upon patient-therapist collaboration. As trust is established, lots of questions and revelations come to light that creates a pathway to a new way of thinking and resource tools that help curb old emotions before they spiral out of control. MCBT is a powerful holistic therapy and a game changer for those with severe depression and other mood disorders.

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