Bipolar Mood Disorder
Southwest Florida Bipolar Treatment
Bipolar Mood Disorder has changed from earlier studies, as we now understand mood swings alone are not enough for a formal diagnosis. There are two types of bipolar mood disorder, and each is treated with individual therapy, group therapy and pharmacotherapeutic intervention. Finding the right medication, while working on the issues surrounding the disorder are important for sustained recovery.
It is a cyclical mood disorder that involves alternating moods that yield to excessive depression or anxiety. Most importantly, the highs and lows can increase a desire to self-medicate with substances.

What is Bipolar Depression?
Bipolar Disorder Terminology
Unlike some other mental disorders, bipolar disorder doesn’t typically appear until the teen or early adult years. Symptoms of bipolar disorder often manifest in either a depressive or manic episode or state. Bipolar disorder treatment at Celadon Recovery in Florida can help people overcome and manage their symptoms in a healthy manner.
Often depressive episodes can be characterized as “down” times, and individuals often have memory issues, trouble concentrating, suicidal thoughts, and lethargic episodes. Bipolar mood disorder has a treatment course specific to types of episodes and type of Bipolar, noting Type I and/or Type II.
Signs of Bipolar Disorder
If you are enduring from bipolar disorder, Our Fort Myers bipolar disorder treatment program can help you improve your quality of life. However, the first move is to understand the signs and symptoms of bipolar.
Depressive occurrences: These episodes will usually involve sadness, fatigue, lack of interest in hobbies, and feelings of insignificance.
Symptoms of bipolar depression include:
- Chronic sadness or low mood
- Little interest in hobbies
- Feeling hopeless
- Changes in appetite
- Sleeping too much
- Thoughts of suicide
Manic episodes: When you are experiencing a manic period, you are likely to feel excited, happy, and more impulsive than normal. Some people become delusional during a manic phase.
Some of these signs of manic behavior include:
- Bursting energy
- A sense of euphoria
- Heightened sexual interests/activities
- Risky behavior
- Sleeplessness
- Impulsive behavior
- Irritability
- Over talkative
Bipolar Disorder Treatment in Fort Myers
Inpatient Bipolar Treatment Facility
Once those with bipolar disorder are diagnosed, they typically need a lifelong treatment program to manage symptoms and improve health. Those with bipolar disorder may suffer from addiction to alcohol or drugs in an attempt to regulate their mood with substances. This behavior will require additional therapy and support to improve their mental health.
The primary treatment(s) for bipolar disorder are prescription medication and intensive therapy. Most times, it’s a combination both modalities that is most effective. However, medication is typically introduced immediately for patient stabilization. This approach makes the talk therapy more productive as symptom relief is achieved.
Primary medications used to treat bipolar disorder include:
- Mood stabilizers
- Antipsychotics
- Antidepressants
- Anti-anxiety
Behavioral health therapies for bipolar depression include:
- Mindful Cognitive behavioral therapy (MCBT)
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
- Individual Therapy
- Bipolar Education
- Family Therapy
Get Bipolar Disorder Help Today
If you’re looking for bipolar disorder treatment in Florida, the Celadon Recovery Campus may be the center for you. The facility uses different treatments and techniques to help patients live the best life possible with their diagnoses and improve mental, physical, and emotional health. Call us today at 239-266-2141 for a confidential assessment.