Florida Addiction Treatment Center
Southwest Florida Drug & Alcohol Rehab
If you or a loved one is struggling with substance use disorder, seeking help at our Florida addiction treatment center can be a big first-step. Whether you’re experiencing alcoholism, prescription or illicit drug addiction, our Southwest Florida rehab can help. We offer all levels of inpatient / outpatient levels of care with special emphasis on addiction issues accompanied by co-occurring mental health problems. And, although we’re committed to providing high-quality medical and therapeutic care, we do so on a non-institutional, waterside campus where patients heal and grow.
Substance Use Disorder Treatment in Florida
Drug Rehab in Fort Myers
When you come to our Florida substance use disorder treatment program, our staff will help you break free of alcohol or drugs. Moreover, each patient’s treatment programming will be adapted to their distinctive needs regardless of the substance(s) they are fighting.
Our substance use treatment options include:
- Alcohol addiction
- Cocaine / crack addiction
- Opioid use disorder
- Prescription drug addiction
- Benzo addiction
- Methamphetamine addiction
- Marijuana addiction

Residential Addiction Treatment in Florida
Fort Myers Rehab
At Celadon, addiction recovery begins with inpatient care. This typically involves a medically supervised detox and a substantial residential treatment stay. This ensures each patient is detox and has the tools to begin their recovery journey. For this reason, our Florida inpatient programs provide round-the-clock care and support, often for a period of 30-90 days. During detox, patients are kept comfortable with advanced addiction medicines and close medical observation. This significantly reduces withdrawal symptoms (or eliminates them altogether). Once each patient is medically cleared, they advance to residential care to begin the work of behavioral change.
Recovery from addiction is a lifelong process that requires a day-to-day lifestyle change. It’s also important to note that addiction didn’t happen immediately, so it can’t be corrected in days or weeks. However, Our Fort Myers, FL rehab can offer access to a wide-range of state-of-the-art treatment services and therapies, such as peer support groups, individual therapy, co-occurring disorder programs, and more. Not sure where to start? Call us at (239) 266-2141 for a confidential evaluation.
Levels of Care: Florida Addiction Treatment Center
Celadon Recovery Campus
Our Florida addiction treatment entails a comprehensive recovery program that supports you from acute withdrawal to long-term continuing care. We start rooting for your success the moment you enter our treatment facility.
Here’s what you can expect from our Southwest Florida rehab center.
Medical Detox
The length of detox varies based on the frequency of your substance abuse and the severity of your withdrawal symptoms. In general, detox is about a week but may be slightly longer for alcohol and benzodiazepines.
Residential Treatment
Our inpatient treatment offers extensive support and individualized care for your alcohol addiction. Inpatient is a form of residential treatment- clients receive 24/7 monitoring and support for their substance use and mental health disorders.
Partial Hospitalization (PHP)
PHP is a typical step-down level after completing residential treatment and patients begin to live independently while attending 5-day a week programming. This is the Florida model of care with most patients residing in supportive sober living while putting their recovery skills into action..
Intensive Outpatient/Outpatient
Intensive outpatient treatment (IOP) care balances structure and 3-day a week treatment with managing life in the real world. Patients return to work or school during this time. You are likely restoring relationships and joined a 12-step support group.

Florida Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center
Fort Myers Alcohol Rehab
Our Florida alcohol addiction treatment center in Fort Myers is fixated on getting you successfully detoxed, and then, getting to the bottom of things. There’s no shame or judgment here, just a team of alcohol treatment professionals who are serious about helping you heal, grow, and blossom. In our alcohol use disorder program, patients start to believe in themselves and get acquainted with the recovery success they see in others.
- Team up with YOUR primary therapist to recognize the underlying causes of your drinking
- Collaborate on personalized alcohol use disorder treatment plan
- Understand alcoholism is a real disease, not a character defect
- Learn strategies and skills for managing daily stress and triggers
- Introduction to 12-step support groups
We offer a number of levels of alcohol use disorder care in our Florida alcohol rehab program. Whether you’re starting with detox, or looking to continue treatment beyond residential treatment, Celadon is here for you.
- Inpatient detox
- Residential treatment program
- Partial hospitalization program (PHP)
- Intensive outpatient (IOP)
- Outpatient treatment (OP)
- Continuing care
What to Know About Florida Rehab
Fort Myers Addiction Recovery Program
Patients and family members experience many feelings about getting help for their alcohol or substance use disorder. It’s normal to feel scared, excited, hopeful, discouraged, angry, and afraid- all at the same time. However, after most patients get acclimated at our Fort Myers rehab, they discover they are not alone. They become confident as treatment progresses and appreciate the recovery skills acquired when they prepare for discharge.
How Long Is a Florida Alcohol Rehab Program?
Florida alcohol rehab typically ranges from 30-days to 90-days depending on history of an alcohol use disorder (AUD) and how much is consumed. Our alcohol rehab program in Fort Myers includes detoxification, residential treatment, and outpatient services.
Alcohol treatment duration factors include:
- Alcohol detox indication
- History, intensity, and severity of drinking
- Presence of co-occurring mental health disorders
- Family history of substance use
- Environmental factors
Choose the Right Florida Rehab
Choosing a Florida addiction treatment center, such as Celadon Recovery Campus can be a challenging decision, but with the right support and resources, recovery from substance use disorder is possible. By doing thorough research and asking the right questions, you can find a Florida rehab center that meets your specific needs and helps you achieve lasting recovery. Call us at (239) 266-2141 to learn more about our Southwest Florida recovery programs for drugs or alcohol.